Attended the annual Tibetan picnic and held our usual exhibition

A visiting French artists, Marie Laure gave a 2 day workshop on watercolor.

Took 2 students along to attend an art exhibition in Jianza, Qinghai

Had several workshops for visiting tour/ school groups.

Choejor organized and I was one of the speakers at the 3rd artists conference, held in Labrang. There were 4 main speakers and around 200 participants.

Graduation ceremony of Kelsang Tsetan and took on new students: Jamyang Jinpa,, Rinchen Dorje, Kangkyi Gya and Tashi Medok ( 2 new girls)

A second documentary was filmed by a Chinese TV station based in Beijing.

Held the first annual weeklong girlpower camp, organized and run by myself and my girls. Had 10 participants from among the local nomad girls.

Cleaning the monastery of garbage day.

Commissioned to do a large painting of a monastery in Ngawa.


We were invited to attend and speak at a conference concerning environmentalism in Nyenpo Yurtse, southern Qinghai. Travelled there with all the students.

Attended and had an exhibition of our art at the Xining Tibetan picnic.

Held many workshops and monastery tours for tour and school groups.

Were invited to paint a large outdoor mural for a WWF wildlife project at a nature reserve for black necked cranes in Yeshi, western Qinghai. Spent 5 days in travel and painting, took along 5 students to help.

Cleaning the monastery of garbage day

Attended the yearly Tibetan picnic and had our usual art exhibition.

Graduation ceremony for Ogha and Yonten. Took on new students: Phalzin, Wende Tso, Jigme and Kunga Tsering

Second annual girlpower camp, 12 participants, and led by my girls.


Many visiting tour groups, both national and international, to do workshops and monastery tours

Camping trip with a group from Spain

Built a second floor addition: including large studio space, students’ library and games area, and a boys’ dormitory. Had the inauguration ceremony in the fall.